Monday 26 March 2012

Yr 6 Visit Claybury Woods

In F6 we have been really busy at the moment. We recently went on an exciting adventure to the woods in Claybury and we have started to write our own adventure stories.
We have also being doing lots of adventurous scientific experiements so that we would be prepared if we were in the wild.
We have now just started our 'Flat Life' projects and cannot wait to share our fantastic flats and hopefully cartoons with you!

Take a look at us at Claybury Woods:



Friday 16 December 2011

6F - Project Books!

Year 6 have been given projects on their classes countries - 6M is Poland, 6G is Great Britain and 6F is Italy. They had to research each country and post their findings in books - some of us interviewed residents from those countries who now live in England, and also found interesting facts and maps.

We are now working on a WW II (1939-45) project incorporating recipes from those times, songs, poems and newspaper reports.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Visit to the Mosque in Ilford

On Thursday 23rd June Class 5M went to the Mosque in Ilford. It was on Balfour Road. We left school at 10.15am to get to the mosque. We took the 150 bus which was about a 40 minutes journey. We had a good time on the bus with Romario singing 'the wheels on the bus'. After our karaoke session, we got off and walked about ten minutes up the road to the mosque. As soon as we were at the door of the mosque, we had to take off our shoes before we took a step on the holy carpet. We all placed our shoes on a shoe rack. Then a man called an Imam (a special priest) introduced himself and his friends. After we sat down, he started telling us about the mosque and then he bought us into the room where Muslims clean themselves before they start praying. Imam and 2 of his friends then showed us how they clean starting with their neck and then mouth, and lastly their feet. They then took us upstairs to where Muslim children go to learn about Islam. After a while we had to go - so it was shoes back on, to the bus stop and back to school. When we arrived back at school we were just in time for lunch - delicious!!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Anansi Stories

In Year 5, for the past few weeks we have been  looking at stories from different cultures. This week we are looking at Anansi stories, Anansi stories were set in all different countries. Most of all the stories were set in Africa. Anansi is a spider who was brought up by his mum. He is half human and half spider. His stories are very well known around the world. Most of his stories are about Anansi doing the wrong things or doing things which he has been told not to do. In class we have read twos stories so far, Anansi and the pot of beans, then we read Anansi and the turtle. Today we write the setting of Anansi and the pot of beans and underlined all the vcop we wrote down. We are all really enjoying this topic.

By Umar

     Anansi in Spider Form       Anansi in human form with turtle

Thursday 31 March 2011

History - The Tudors

In year 5 History, we have been learning about the Tudors. We have also been studying about King Henry VIII. King Henry VIII  had six wives, first came Catherine of Aragon then Anne Boleyn next was Jane Seymour after was, Anne of Cleves next was, Kathryn Howard and last, Katherine Parr. King Henry

also wrote a song for Anne Boleyn called Green sleeves which was very popular.

We shall be visiting Kentwell House in July which is a Tudor experience where we have to dress up and everything is like going back into the Tudor times. We are all really looking forward to this trip!!

By Taran

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Highwayman

For the last few weeks we have been learning about the poem The Highwayman. We have written letters in the style of the highwayman to Bess -  here's verse 3:

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,

And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.

We are continuing this project by writing up a storyboard, then into a longer story.

To read the full poem, click on this link: The Highwayman Poem

by Umar

Friday 17 December 2010

Christmas Events!

  • This week Year 5 are having their Christmas parties, which will be held in 5M, 5S and 5R classrooms.  Some people have bring in a CD to listen to.   We are having a dancing competition and the winners will be awarded medals.

  • Year 5 did a Christmas carol concert. Some of us are visiting going to Belmont Lodge old people's home to sing more Christmas carols, we hope they enjoy them. 

  • For young children there was a Santa’s Grotto at our Carol Concert last week.   Most of Reception and Year 2 visited Santa, you can see most of the pictures on our website.
By Harrison