Friday 26 September 2008

Drama - Roman Invasion

This week was fantastic! We had a very special visitor in school to see year was a man from the drama company!!!

We took part in a drama workshop all about a Roman invasion.

First we discussed what sort of a life a Celt would have lead...what jobs they might have done, food they ate and so on...

Then we pretended to be a Celt and we became farmers, blacksmith's and potters. After that we sat in a circle and we listened to a gripping story about a Roman invasion.

A short while later...we had to get into role as either a Roman soldier or a Celt and acted out the invasion!

Finally we discussed how the Celts might have felt and built up a picture of emotions and used facial expressions and body language.

Literacy - Settings

In Literacy we have been looking at different settings and describing them using 'juicy words'! Mr Trutwein took us down to the environmental area and we took pictures and wrote key words on post-it notes to help us later in writing our settings.

We looked at the way the trees sawyed in the wind...

We decided that the roots of a tree looked like a claws covered in gree dust.

Some of us noticed that the grass looked as though it was dancing in the cool breeze.

We had a great time and thought of a lot of descriptive words and put them into engaging sentences.

Food Groups

This week we looked at many different types of food and then we sorted them into groups. These groups had to have names with a little bit of help we managed to label the groups...

Fruit and Vegetables

We was then given the difficult task of sorting a variety of foods into those categories in table groups.

After that, we looked at a food pyramid
and talked about what we should eat more of and less of and why!
Soon after that, we had to make our own food pyramid and turned out GREAT!!!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Science - Teeth

This term Year 3 are learning all about 'Teeth and Eating'. In week 2, we looked at the different types of teeth that humans have, learnt the names and found out where they are situated and what job they do.

Incisors - cut and slice food.
Canines - tear and rip food like meat.
Pre-molars - crush and grind soft food.
Molars - crush and grind hard food.

We Hope to find out much more in the following weeks!!!