Tuesday 8 December 2009


This term we have been looking at force. We have done many investigations on force for example we used newton meters to mesure force then we used different materals to test the amount of force was used.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

fantasy stories

This term year 4 have been writing fantasy stories, we watched an extract from Alice in wonderland. To write a Fantasy Story you need to include:

  • Punchuation.
  • The 5 W's Who, What, Where,When and Why.
  • Adjectives.
  • Similes.
  • Connectives.
  • Different sentence starters.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is Anti-Bullying Week it is a world wide event, everybody is allowed to enter loads and loads of comeptitions like writing a poem, making a poster and even making up your own song.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

What happened on Heritage Day

As you all know last week we told you that Hertige Day was coming up and it was brilliant! In 4M we made Chinese hat's, flags and wrist bands for our parade. We thought we were the best there and hopefully we were!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Heritage day

We are celebrating Heritage day on Friday 6th November and the country which has been given to our class is China. We have all been busy making flags and wristbands for our class parade and we are now thinking about what we are going to wear. We are all really looking forward to Heritage day and hope that lots of our parents will watch us!

Tuesday 20 October 2009


This term we have been learning about Judaism in year 4.

Mrs Dimond came to talk to us about how her family celabrates the festival of shabbat.She also told us about lots of other Jewish celabrations.We also got to have some grape juice and Challah bread!

Check out some more of our photo's!

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Every Thursday Year 4 have cornet lessons. Our teachers are Mrs. Bowerman and Mr.Roberts, we havent learnt much about the cornets but we soon will! Last week Mr.Roberts taught us the B and C note, to play the B note you have to hold down the first and last vowl and to play the C note you dont play any vowls it was great.

Last friday was Harvest and the whole school had to go to St Francis church. We all had to bring in either a pound or some food. Year 4 did a play about the parabale of the sower, the people who were involved in the play were Sam.C, Melissa, Hannah, Charlie, Ben B, Tommy, Harry, Gui, Ashlyn and Francessca it was BRILLIANT!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Fairlop's BLOGGERS

A new club has started this year called BLOGGERS and we will be posting blogs weekly, sharing lot's of different things that are happening in our classes!

Our names are Melissa and Sam.C, we will be writing the blogs for 4M.

Keep posted for new exciting blogs.

4M's school councilor is Ramze Bouhalla and the deptuty is Hannah Townsend.

Monday 13 July 2009

Pizza making!!!

Last week was 'Shine Week'. We were given the chance to learn about things that we would not usually learn about in school.

In year 3 We decorated our own T-shirts and made pizza's. Have a look at some of the pictures of us making our delicious pizza...

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Maths Week Vs Great Plant Hunt!

The week before half term, was Maths week at Fairlop and also the national 'Great Plant Hunt'. In maths, Mr Trutwein was teaching about data gathering and for the plant hunt, we had to identify different types of plants found around the school grounds, and take photos!

So we decided to link both activities together and we collected data on how many plants we saw of a particular type.
Here are some pictures of the flowers we found... see if you have these in your garden or local park!

Friday 15 May 2009

Trip to the British Museum

3T had a great day out at the British Museum and learnt a lot of new things about the Egyptians!
We learnt about all sorts of things...we discovered how the Egyptians lived and worked, what happened to them when they died and their amazing architecture.
Have a look at some of the pictures we took...

Friday 27 February 2009

It has been a busy week for year 3!
We went to Redbridge Sports Centre on Thursday for our first tennis lesson, we all really enjoyed ourselves and were extremely tried afterwards. Here are some pictures ...

We also had the amazing opportunity to make our own paper! We had a special guest, who works for the borough and encourages people to ...REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE!!!
Here are a few pictures of us making out very own pieces of paper.

Friday 6 February 2009

Problem Solving in Numeracy

Last Friday, we had numeracy in our normal classes and was set a challenge!!!

Our challange was...
You have 20 straws and you have to make as many squares as possible - no bending or cutting the straws!!!

We had a great time trying to solve this problem and we all agreed that the maximum amount of squares without crossing straws, was 9.
Then Mr Trutwein let us cross the straws and some of us managed to make 32 squares!

Here are some pictures of us scratching our heads and working hard to solve this problem...